Saturday, November 5, 2022

Pinkie: A Short Story ARC Review

 Pinkie: A Short Story by Kate Courtright is the new read I have selected for free from The fact that it was a short story was part of the reason I selected this title. The idea of searching for a new beginning or starting over intrigued me as well. As I was to find out, there were to be a few more reasons I was going to be interested in this selection as well.

Part of this story takes place on a train ride from New York to Virginia. To some that might be considered boring. It's the hurdles that the characters must go through and some of the most mundane seeming events that cause this to be a train ride that makes time fly by. What happens when the person near you is talking too loud? What makes card games last hours? There is more going on in reality that the characters may not pick up on or want to pick up on which makes this story worth reading.

The fact that there was a character named Tabitha was interesting. It is very rare when I see my name somewhere anymore.  Granted she was supposed to be an older character, being the former mother-in-law of the main character, Rebecca. She was a minor character that I was surprised that I liked.

What if you were to tell some random stranger your whole baggage up front and somehow that turns into more than friendship from the get-go? If you know, you know. This story is a realistic romance short story with a happy-ever-after ending. I would love for there to be a sequel to this short story as the author does seem to leave room for that.

I would recommend this story to anyone that likes short stories, romance, or general fiction. I would also recommend that the reader be a teenage plus due to some things that some of the characters deal with, including divorce. 

What have you been reading lately? What would you like to see a review on next?

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