Wednesday, March 8, 2023

February 2023 Book Reading Update

 The books I read in February were:

  1. Decluttering for Dummies- Jane Stoller
  2. Tripped Out- Lorelei James
  3. Strung Up- Lorelei James
  4. Racked and Stacked- Lorelei James
  5. Wound Tight- Lorelei James
  6. The Frugalista Files- Natalie McNeal
  7. Wyoming Rugged- Diana Palmer
  8. Wyoming Brave- Diana Palmer
  9. The Do-It-Yourself Bailout- Kenny Golde
Despite February being the shortest month of the year, I still managed to get a lot of reading done. Once again, I was reading the same series mostly. I actually did read a physical book as well as I read some non-fiction as well.

The Lorelei James and Diana Palmer books were parts of a series I have been reading for a while. I have one book left before I finish the Lorelei James series that I have been reading. The Diana Palmer series still has several books before I make it to the end of that series. I read Wyoming Rugged as a physical copy. I have it listed online here and here

I chose non-fiction books to read because I have been looking for ways to save money as well as decluttering. These are goals that I always have and strive to do. I don't try to overwhelm myself. I am always looking for new ways to accomplish these goals. Rome wasn't built in a day and my decluttering journey will still be paced out for probably several years to come.

I am still working on my reading goals as it is now March. I have been working on reading several physical copies of books as well. I am hoping to read just as many if not more in March.

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